Longevity Milestones
April 30, 2024
Dakota State University recognized employees for their dedication and commitment at the annual Longevity Reception on April 16.
These 50 individuals represent 540 years of service to Dakota State and the State of South Dakota, an average of almost 11 years per employee. Given that the national average stay for an employee is about four years in the same job, this is a distinctive milestone.
Because of the dedication and innovation of these employees, President José-Marie Griffiths said, “Your hard work and creative efforts multiply the impact you have on others.”
Deb Roach, DSU’s Vice President for Human Resources, said the annual longevity event “celebrates the dedication and commitment of our employees to the State of South Dakota and Dakota State University.”
New this year, the Human Resources Department recognized adjunct faculty members with 10 or more years of outstanding teaching and service at DSU.
“This celebrates the enduring dedication and significant contributions to the academic community,” Roach said.
Retirees were also honored, former Registrar Kathy Callies, former Athletics Director Jeff Dittman, and Biology Professor Jeff Palmer.
The long-term employees recognized include:

Bailey Belisario, Research Engineer II, Applied Research Lab
Jen Burris, Strategic Communication Coordinator, Marketing & Communications
Will Clipp, Building Maintenance Specialist, Facilities Management
Quentin Covert, Assistant Professor, Beacom College
Claudia DeRungs, Financial Assistant, Cashier Office
Brendan Hansen, Research Engineer II, Applied Research Lab
Derrion Hardie, Head Baseball Coach, Athletics
Lisa Hardie, Professional Academic Advisor, Academic Support Services
Bryn Hart, Event Coordinator, Event & Conference Services
Rebecca Hoey, Provost, President’s Office
Penny Johnson, Professional Academic Advisor, Academic Support Services
Jarod Keene, Research Engineer II, Applied Research Lab
Daidrick Kibbie, Assistant Football Coach, Athletics
Arica Kulm, Director of Digital Forensics Services, MadLabs
Haley Larson, Assistant Professor, College of Arts & Sciences
Jena Martin, Production Center Coordinator, Production Center
Jeanette McGreevy, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment & Policy
Theresa Plut-Sprague, Mental Health Counselor, Counseling Center
Andy Roland, Esports Head Coach, Athletics
Wendy Romero, Associate Professor, College of Arts & Sciences
Megan Schuh, Assistant Professor, College of Education
Jennifer Schulte, Instructor, Beacom College
Anvil Sinsabaugh, Defensive Coordinator, Athletics
Christine Souter, Professional Academic Advisor, Academic Support Services
Hans Verhoeven, Research Engineer II, Applied Research Lab
Kiana Wood, Director of Prospect Research & Info Management, Foundation
Sami Zoss, Executive Director for Constituent Services & Engagement, Foundation, and interim Foundation President and CEO

DSU employees with 20 years longevity include Kim Jones and Nick Huntimer. Not pictured is Sandi Steinhoff-Muller.
Katie Anderson, Assistant Professor, College of Education
Rob Girtz, Assistant Professor, College of BIS
Alex Glover, Assistant Track Coach, Athletics
Erin Graham, K-12 Data Center
Eric Holm, Systems Architect, Information Technology Services
Pam Libby, Facilities Worker, Facilities Management
Kevin Smith, Associate Professor, College of Education

DSU employees with 25 years of experience include Lance Jahnig (left), Stacy Krusemark, and Ronghua Shan.
Josh Anderson, Head Football Coach, Athletics
Kyle Cronin, Associate Professor, Beacom College
Kelvin Hoekman, Electrical Supervisor, Facilities Management
Ashley Jensen, Senior Accountant, Business Office
Annette Miller, State Authorization Coordinator, Office of Online Education
Austin O’Brien, Associate Professor, Beacom College
Allen Thiele, Senior Software Engineer, K12 Data Center

Stephen Krebsbach was honored April 16 for 35 years working with Dakota State and the State of South Dakota.
Sandi Steinhoff-Muller, Instructor, College of Education
Kim Jones, Lecturer, College of Arts & Sciences
Nick Huntimer, Sports Information Director, Athletics

Recent DSU retirees were honored for their efforts at Dakota State. They include Kathy Callies and Jeff Palmer. Jeff Dittman is not pictured.
Lance Jahnig, HIE Interface Analyst, CAHIT
Stacy Krusemark, VP for Business & Administrative Services, Business Office
Ronghua Shan, Professor, College of BIS
Jeff Dittman, Athletic Director, Athletics
Amy Olson, Software Engineer, Information Technology Services
Stephen Krebsbach, Professor, Beacom College
Tom Farrell, Adjunct Professor
Mike Waldner, Adjunct Professor
Kathy Callies, Registrar
Jeff Dittman, Athletic Director
Jeff Palmer, Professor